March In-Person Talks Canceled

As of March 18, all remaining in-person talks scheduled for March 2020 have been canceled due to restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19. We hope to schedule talks using web conferencing in the near future. Please visit our section calendar or subscribe to our announcements for updates.

Call For Nominations: IEEE Buenaventura Section Officers

The IEEE Buenaventura Section Nominations Committee asks for your help in identifying members who may be interested in serving on the Section Executive Committee for 2020, for the following positions: •  Section Chair •  Section Vice Chair •  Section Treasurer •  Section Secretary The elected officers are expected to serve a term of one calendar year (1 Jan 2020… Read more

Hackathon Mentors Needed

Hackathon by the Sea-Girls Edition 2019 is a two day event designed to create a positive environment for girls to use technology, which will seed a lifelong interest in the field. The theme-“Make tomorrow better”-prompts attendees to create projects that make everyday life a bit easier.​ Starts Friday, June 21, 6:00PM-9:00PM Resumes Saturday, June 22,… Read more