IEEE Buenaventura
In This Issue |
Local IEEE Buenaventura Announcements• Sep 16: An Engineer’s Introduction to Lightweight Backpacking… Plus Local Places to Hike and Camp — Online Other IEEE Announcements•
from IEEE Reports from Previous Meetings• Rejuvenate Aging Eye with Presbyopic Implant in the Eye (PIE) Job Opportunities and Sponsors•
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Recruiting Since 1995 |
Local IEEE Announcements |
16, 2020
Other Announcements |
Webinars from IEEE• IEEE AESS Virtual Distinguished Lecturer Webinar Series — IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society This
initiative allows AESS to continue providing members with the respected and
reputable Distinguished Lecturer program. Registration is completely free and
will be limited to the first 100 registrants per event. In the case you are
unable to register, you can also attend the webinar concurrently via Facebook
Live, or access the webinar recording following the event on the IEEE AESS Resource Center.
The first series, “Radar Part I”, includes:
Stories are the most effective form of human communication. Learn how to find and tell stories effectively. What form of human communication engages more parts of the brain than any other? Storytelling. What parts of a presentation do listeners remember most? The stories. In this engaging and energizing presentation, you’ll learn the secrets to telling great stories and how to incorporate them into your job, whether presenting to the board, employees, colleagues, or customers.
class has something for everyone. Whether you’re a social media novice or
savvy user, you’ll come away with action steps that can produce immediate
results. You’ll learn how to: Meet the Candidates for 2021 IEEE President-ElectThe 2020 IEEE Annual Election has now begun. All eligible voting members on record on 30 June will receive and have access to election materials. Cast your vote by 1 October, 9:00 a.m. ET/16:00 UTC to help shape the future leadership of IEEE. Below are the candidates for the 2021 IEEE President-Elect. The 2021 President-Elect will become President in 2022. The sequence of candidates was determined by lottery and indicates no preference. • Saifur Rahman (Nominated by Petition) Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute at Virginia Tech where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the President of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the chair of IEEE Publications Board and a member of the IEEE Board of Directors in 2006. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrifications Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He served as the chair of the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering from 2010 to 2013. He is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE PES, and has lectured on smart grid, energy efficient buildings, renewable energy, demand response and distributed generation topics in over 30 countries on all six continents. Dr. Rahman is a member of Northern Virginia Section.
S. K. Ramesh is a renowned engineering educator with over three decades of leadership experience as a dean, department chair, and faculty member. The programs he established serve industry practitioners in high wage, high demand fields, including renewable energy, assistive technology, and advanced manufacturing. As 2016-17 Vice President of Educational Activities, he championed collaboration, diversity, and inclusive excellence, through innovative programs like IEEE Learning Network (ILN). Ramesh is an IEEE Fellow recognized for “contributions to entrepreneurship in engineering education”, and founding Director of CSU Northridge’s internationally recognized AIMS2 program that mentors and supports underrepresented minorities in engineering. His many recognitions include the John Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year, William Johnson International award for “leadership and contributions to the profession”, and Region 6 Community Service award. Ramesh has served on the Boards of IEEE and ABET, leading volunteers and staff with shared strategic goals, measurable outcomes, and transparent fiscal leadership. Dr. Ramesh is a member of Buenaventura Section.
I received Ph.D. from UCLA in 1990. My research contributions encompass broad areas of information and communications technology with recent focus on wireless AI for indoor positioning and wireless sensing. I have trained over sixty-eight doctoral/postdoctoral students, of which ten have become IEEE Fellow. I am the recipient of two IEEE Technical Field Awards: 2021 IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing and 2016 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society 2009 Technical Achievement Award, 2014 Society Award (highest award bestowed by SPS) for “influential technical contributions and profound leadership impact”, and over a dozen best paper/invention awards. Recognized by Web of Science as a Highly Cited Researcher, I am a Fellow of IEEE, AAAS, and U.S. National Academy of Inventors. As the founder of Origin Wireless, my invention won 2017 CEATEC Grand Prix Award and CES 2020 Innovation Award, with products available over 150 countries worldwide. Dr. Liu is a member of Washington Section. |
Reports from Previous Meetings |
Rejuvenate Aging Eye with Presbyopic Implant in the Eye (PIE)The Buenaventura MTTS August 2020 meeting was held online. Dr. Rajesh Khanna of Khanna Vision Institute delivered a very interesting lecture on state of the art, vision corrective surgeries. He described the merits and advantages of different types of vision corrective surgeries such as LASIK, Prelex and Presbyopic Implants in the Eye (PIE). The meeting was well attended with vibrant audience participation. Audience consisted of international and local engineers. The lecture was recorded. The link to the recording and the slides are available here: |
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