Sep 6: How Arrow Electronics Supports Local Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Presented by Sunny Trinh, Regional Vice President, Arrow Electronics
Sep 6, 2016, 6:00 pm Pizza, 6:15 pm talk
Open to IEEE members and the general public
Event free of charge
HUB 101, Westlake Village Entrepreneurship Center
31416 Agoura Road, room #107C,
Westlake Village, California 91361
REGISTRATION at this link
Considered a revolutionary thinker in nurturing an environment that boosts an innovator’s ability to succeed and stretch its cash flow, Arrow Electronics, a global manufacturer of electronic devices, starts with the premise that a startup gains greater momentum and protects the consumption of its funds if
it focuses on its core competency and it outsources the rest of the design to an expert partner. Arrow has created an ecosystem where it is able to provide companies with everything from engineering support, to full turnkey manufacturing, supply chain and logistics management, alternative financing, product disposition and recycling. Spend an evening with us to hear how Arrow has helped a number of startups become hugely successful and how you can take advantage of these resources to increase your chances of succeeding.
Sunny Trinh, Regional Vice President, Arrow Electronics, will explain the initiatives his company has pursued to foster a supportive and successful entrepreneurship community. Sunny will share great stories of entrepreneurs who worked with Arrow and some of his own involvement that changed people’s lives. Sunny Trinh has worked for Arrow Electronics since 1997. Sunny has a BSET and a Master in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College and an MBA from CLU.