IEEE Buenaventura
February 2016 Newsletter

In This Issue

Local IEEE Events

          Feb 10 - Cybersecurity and Applicable Rules and Regulations
          Feb 17 - Entrepreneurship Workshop:  How Valarm Bootstrapped to Profitability
          Feb 18 - Intercept 1961 - The Birth of Soviet Missile Defense
          Feb 24 - Cloning, Medical Gene Therapy and the Law
          Feb 29 - RF Aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
          Mar 19 - Senior Member Elevation Clinic

Other IEEE Announcements

          IEEE Membership Benefits

Other Local Happenings

          Feb 25 - National Engineers Week Awards Banquet
          Mar 11-13 - Heathcare and Agriculture IoT (Internet of Things)


•          Advanced Personnel Profiles
•          Integrity Search and Consulting
•          Login Consulting Services
•          Engility Corporation
•          Syntesis Global
•          Kelly Horiuchi - Farmers Insurance Agency

Local IEEE Events

February 10, 2016
Cybersecurity and Applicable Rules and Regulations

Pizza and Networking:  6:30 PM
Presentation:  7:00 PM
Presenter:  Salar Atrizadeh
Meeting is free and open to the public.  Please register at

This program explores the ever-changing definition of “cybersecurity” and the causes of data breaches. Mr. Atrizadeh will discuss a lawyer’s ethical obligations, the biggest challenges, best practices to prevent data breaches, and applicable rules and regulations.

During this seminar you will learn more about the following:
    What is cybersecurity?
    What causes data breaches?
    What are a lawyer’s ethical obligations?
    What are some important ethic’s opinions?
    What are the biggest challenges?
    What are the best practices to prevent data breaches?
    What are the applicable rules and regulations?

About the Speaker
Salar Atrizadeh, Esq. is the principal and founder of the Law Offices of Salar Atrizadeh. He is licensed to practice law in the State of California, District of Columbia, and the United States District and Bankruptcy Courts.  He has an extensive background in technology and holds a bachelor’s of science degree in Computer Information Systems with a minor in Database Management Systems.

Mr. Atrizadeh has conducted seminars regarding online privacy, cloud computing, cybersecurity, electronic discovery, crowdfunding, cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Litecoin, Worldcoin), cyberpiracy, internet sales tax laws, and online banking fraud before legal and non-legal organizations, including, but not limited to, the State Bar of California, State Bar of New Mexico, University of Tulsa-Oklahoma, Rotary International, American Law Institute, Thomson Reuters/Rutter Group, IEEE, Institute of Internal Auditors, and various chambers of commerce.  In addition, he has conducted presentations before educational institutions on the topics of cyberharassment, cyberstalking and cyberbullying.  You may find more information on his law firm’s website,, and blog,​

CLU Swenson Center, Room 101
California Lutheran University
141 Faculty Street
Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

Parking:  Visitors may park on CLU streets after 7 PM without a permit.  Before 7 PM, we recommend that you park in the G1 visitor lot on the southwest corner of Olsen and Mountclef, and walk to the Swenson building.  Do not park in the faculty/staff lots, and do not park in the areas marked “Homeowner Parking Only”.

Presented By:  IEEE Computer Society Chapter

February 17, 2016
Entrepreneurship Workshop:  How Valarm Bootstrapped to Profitability

6:30 to 8:30 PM

Presenter:  Lorenzo Gonzalez
Register and pay at

Do you want to learn how to transform your personal experiences or casual inspirations into your next business venture? Would you like an insider's guide to cultivating a profitable startup from concept to release in little more than 9 months, despite the myriad of technical, business and personal issues sure to emerge along the way?

If you are curious about the many paths to a successful entrepreneurship, join us for a workshop on "How has Valarm bootstrapped to Profitability" where a local CEO and business owner, Lorenzo Gonzalez , will speak on launching his own company -- Valarm, and what it's like to navigate the tech startup world. Learn from this discussion, be inspired by it, and join in with your own questions on how these challenges are faced by fresh entrepreneurs every day.

Valarm is a self-funded/bootstrapped technology startup established in 2012, which services customers in 47 countries around the world today, across a multitude of industries and applications. Lorenzo will discuss the ups-and-downs of bootstrapping a startup to sustainable profitability: full-time jobs, cofounders, friend/family issues, business partners, cashflow, product strategy, customer focus, the ever looming "pivot", the derailing distraction - and many other lessons learned along the way.

About the Speaker
Lorenzo Gonzalez is cofounder, CEO, and Chief Software Architect of Valarm, a cloud-based Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) SaaS. A self-taught software engineer, he started with C/C++ in 1994, and picked up Java in 1995 when the first public version was released. Over the next 17 years Lorenzo built major software systems for manufacturers in Kansas City, automotive companies in Detroit, and marketing agencies in Los Angeles. Lorenzo founded Valarm in 2012 after his motorcycle was stolen.

CLU Swenson Center, Room 101
California Lutheran University
141 Faculty Street
Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

Parking:  Visitors may park on CLU streets after 7 PM without a permit.  Before 7 PM, we recommend that you park in the G1 visitor lot on the southwest corner of Olsen and Mountclef, and walk to the Swenson building.  Do not park in the faculty/staff lots, and do not park in the areas marked “Homeowner Parking Only”.

Presented By:  IEEE Buenaventura Section

February 18, 2016
Intercept 1961 - The Birth of the Soviet Missile Defense

Pizza and Networking:  6:30 PM
Presentation:  7:00 PM
Presenter:  Mike Gruntman
Meeting is free and open to the public.  Please register at 

On March 4, 1961, a Soviet guided missile performed the first nonnuclear intercept of an intermediate range ballistic missile (SS-4, R-12) at the Saryshagan test site in the Kazakhstan desert when it destroyed an approaching warhead. This spectacular and most consequential achievement followed earlier intercepts by the United States Army of several shorter range missiles at White Sands.

The new field led to the emergence of monitoring space objects in orbit, ballistic missile early warning, and antisatellite weapons. The first operational Soviet missile defense system A-35 was deployed in 1970s to protect Moscow; its successor remaining active today.

Dr. Mike Gruntman will introduce us to the events that led to the first nonnuclear intercepts of long-range ballistic missile warheads in 1961 and will describe the technical characteristics of early air and missile defense systems. We will learn about how the Soviet Missile Defense program came to exist and first attacks it intercepted.

Information regarding missile defense systems is especially relevant today as the United States and other countries continue facing the eternal "protect-or-avenge" dilemma when balancing retaliatory offensive capabilities against defensive protection. In an age of unstable governments, spreading weapons of mass destruction, and radical ideologies and terrorism, this historical background is critical for informed policy formulation, threat evaluation, defense planning, and counteracting the proliferation of weapons and sensitive technologies.

About the Speaker
Dr. Mike Gruntman is professor of astronautics at the University of Southern California (USC). His life journey took him from a child growing on the Tyuratam (Baikonur) missile and space launch base during the late 1950s and early 1960s to an accomplished space physicist to the founder of a major space engineering education program in the heart of the U.S. space industry. Mike served the founding chairman of this nationally recognized astronautical engineering department at USC. He teaches courses in space systems and rocket propulsion at the university as well as short courses (AIAA and ATI) for government and industry.

Research interests of Dr. Gruntman include astronautics; space physics and space and laboratory instrumentation and sensors; space mission and satellite design; and rocketry and spacecraft propulsion. He is actively involved in R&D programs in space science, technology, and applications. Mike received three NASA group achievement awards. He served on the editorial board of the Review of Scientific Instruments from 2001-2003.

Dr. Gruntman has authored and co-authored nearly 300 publications, including more than 90 journal articles and book chapters and more than 50 conference proceedings papers. Mike has written four books. His “Blazing the Trail: The Early History of Spacecraft and Rocketry” (AIAA, 2004) won the International Academy of Astronautics’ award.

Please see the registration page for more information and updates.

Presented By:  IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society Chapter

Click here for informational flyer (PDF)

February 24, 2016
Cloning, Medical Gene Therapy and the Law

Dinner (optional):  Available at 6:00 PM for $10, payable at the door.
Presentation (free):
  7:00 PM
Presenter:  Panda Kroll
Free admission to presentation.  No registration required.

About the Speaker
Panda Kroll is a member of the bar of Ventura County and the State Bar of California, an adjunct faculty member at California State University Channel Islands, and a member of the Ventura Biocenter.  She is a frequent lecturer on topics of bioethics, biotechnology, and the law.  She received her J.D. from Boston University School of Law in 2000), and a MFA from Northern Illinois University in 1987.  Ms. Kroll is the Chair of the Ventura County Bar Association Biotech Law Section.

CLU Swenson Center, Room 101
California Lutheran University
141 Faculty Street
Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

Parking:  Visitors may park on CLU streets after 7 PM without a permit.  Before 7 PM, we recommend that you park in the G1 visitor lot on the southwest corner of Olsen and Mountclef, and walk to the Swenson building.  Do not park in the faculty/staff lots, and do not park in the areas marked “Homeowner Parking Only”.

Presented By:  IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter

Click here for more information

February 29, 2016
RF Aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Pizza and Networking:  6:30 PM
Presentation:  7:00 PM
Presenter:  Robert H. Caverly
Free admission to presentation.  No registration required. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners are an important diagnostic tool for the medical practitioner.  MRI provides a non-invasive means of obtaining high contrast images of soft tissues and to obtain real-time images of the cardiovascular system and other dynamic changes in the human body.  MRI scanners rely heavily on a number of topical areas of interest to Electrical Engineers:  image processing, high speed computing and RF (radio frequency) systems and components.  This presentation will focus on some of the RF aspects of the MR process and MR scanners.  A primer on the physical phenomenon behind magnetic resonance will start the presentation and include a discussion of the origin of the MR signal.  The need for the high static magnetic field (B0), the use of gradient coils for MR signal location, simple RF pulse sequences and how they are used in image construction will be covered.  This MR image construction process and the control of the various steps that manipulate the atomic nuclei to generate the final MR diagnostic image put demanding constraints on RF equipment capabilities and these will be discussed, along with a high-level overview of the various components making up conventional MRI systems.  This high-level overview will include a look at various examples of transmit and receive RF systems and examples of transmit and receive coils that make up MR scanners and system diagrams for both the RF transmit and receive paths.  The talk with then narrow in scope to look at how these RF coils are modeled and controlled in both transmit and receive states and how these components are used for transmit/receive switching and patient and equipment protection.

About the Speaker
Dr. Robert H. Caverly received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 1983.  He has been a faculty member at Villanova University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1997 and is a Full Professor.  Previously, he was a Professor for more than 14 years at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.  Dr. Caverly's research interests are focused on the characterization of semiconductor devices such as PIN diodes and FETs in the microwave and RF control environment.  He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers and is the author of the books Microwave and RF Semiconductor Control Device Modeling and CMOS RFIC Design Principles from Artech House.  An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Caverly is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Microwave Magazine and a member of the HF-VHF-UHF Technology (TC-17) and Biomedical Applications (TC-10) Technical Committees of the MTT Society.
His webpage is

Please see our web site more information and updates.

Presented By:  IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Chapter

Click here for informational flyer (PDF)

March 19, 2016
Senior Member Elevation Clinic
9:00 AM to noon

The IEEE Senior Member grade is the highest level for which an IEEE member can apply.  If you have more than 10 years of significant professional experience in engineering*, you should consider to join this group of elite engineers.  Our section can really facilitate and accelerate the process with a Senior Membership elevation event that will take place on March 19.  In 2015, the section helped 27 members become Senior Member. If you are interested, please contact .

* requirements can be lowered to 7 years of significant professional contribution if you have a Bachelor degree in engineering, 6 years with a Master in engineering, and 5 years with a PhD in engineering.

Presented By:  IEEE Buenaventura Section

Other IEEE Announcements

IEEE Membership Benefits

There are many benefits associated with IEEE membership: career and professional development tools, discounts on products and services, the award-winning Spectrum magazine, reduced conference registration fees, multiple opportunities to network with the leaders of the field, access to top technical information, an increasing number of continuing education courses, and more.

You can renew your annual membership at  If you have already renewed, we thank you for your support, and look forward to being your professional partner in 2016.

Please note that if you have retired or become unemployed, IEEE can help by discounting your annual membership dues 50%. For more information, please visit

Other Local Happenings

February 25, 2016
National Engineers Week Awards Banquet
Presented by National Engineers Week Committee for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties

The 43rd Annual Engineers Week Banquet is Thursday Evening, February 25, 2016, at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.  The Program includes shining a spotlight on the awards presented by local engineering societies for their Engineer of the Year and Project of the Year. We honor a local educator who has contributed to encouraging and stimulating middle or high school students to study science and engineering. We recognize one individual for outstanding service to the engineering/scientific profession and service to the community. We also award a number of scholarships to local students pursuing a career in engineering or science in local colleges & universities.

This year's key-note speaker is Susan Mulligan, PE and General Manager of the Calleguas Municipal Water District. Ms. Mulligan who will speak on "Southern California Water Supplies For The Future". Susan is an acknowledged expert in the area of water supply in Southern California, and the long range plans and problems providing a reliable supply of this previous fluid.- a topic of profound interested to all of us today.

Last year's event was sold out. We are limited in the number of attendees that we can accommodate. So please get your reservations in early, and don't miss this chance to attend, enjoy the Library, and help celebrate National Engineer's Week.

Ticket prices for the event are $80. Your National Engineer’s week dinner price includes both the opportunity to view Air Force one and the entire Library ($16 value), and to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Command Performance Catering in a luxurious setting; a location which hosts Presidents—past and present, politicians, world leaders, and other famous personalities.

To keep prices down, be aware that the ticket price only covers the cost of the actual dinner and facility. The scholarship program is funded by donations from the individual societies and individuals. We ask that all attendees consider making a nominal donation of $10 each (or more) so we can extend scholarship grants to more students.

IEEE members and their guests can obtain tickets through IEEE Buenaventura at this site .  We will arrange for IEEE attendees and their guests to get a chance to sit together at a table. For questions, contact .

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed by National Engineers Week are not necessarily shared by The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Foundation.

March 11 - 13, 2016
Healthcare and Agriculture IoT (Internet of Things)
Presented by Startup Weekend Ventura County

Startup Weekend Ventura County is happening March 11 - 13 at Rancho Campana High School in Camarillo.  If you have ideas on how to address some of the challenges in healthcare and agriculture or if you wish to join a startup with innovative IoT application in healthcare or agriculture, sign up today on  At this event, you will have the opportunity to team up with entrepreneurial physicians, healthcare professionals, agriculturalists and plant doctors.  Domain experts, corporate CEOs and successful entrepreneurs are available to help you during this journey.  See the web site for more information.


Advanced Personnel Profiles
Job Opportunities

ASIC Group Manager
Alfred Mann Foundation (, Valencia

The ASIC Group Manager is a senior contributor of the product development team, responsible for all aspects of ASIC development.  In addition to managing a small team of design engineers, this individual will also contribute to the ASIC design work, as well as function as a technical mentor to team members, and will be a key technical contributor to the overall system design.

This is a very technical position in a collaborative and creative atmosphere.  AMF has a 9/80 work schedule & is focused on R & D, making a difference in the quality of life of individuals needing unmet medical attention.

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Sr. Manufacturing Process Engineer (2 openings)
Alfred Mann Foundation ( & Medallion Therapeutics (, Valencia

Sr. Manufacturing Engineer to support all manufacturing engineering & process development duties for sustaining and new product development of implantable medical devices. The ideal candidate must possess technically sound skills & experience as well as effective verbal, written and presentation skills for this dynamic role. This person is expected to be a hands on and action oriented engineer with strong analytical and critical thinking skills and able to work effectively with minimum supervision

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Engineering Department Manager, Valencia

Commercial and medical device manufacturing company is searching for an Electrical Engineer to manage a team of 5.  Must be experienced in R & D.

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Clinical Research Manager
Second Sight (, Sylmar

Manages the design, administration and on-site monitoring of clinical trials.  Supervises CRAs in in-house and on-site monitoring. Oversees adherence to SOPs, GCP, and FDA regulations. Ensures compliance with clinical protocols, overall clinical objectives, & national/international regulations and standards for clinical trials. Assumes occasional CRA responsibilities, including site travel.

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Senior Research Scientist
Second Sight (, Sylmar

Design and perform basic and applied scientific research to improve patient & device performance.  3-5 years’ experience in medical device industry or human psychophysics research.  Experience with mathematical modeling.  Must be able to travel internationally.

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Second Sight (, Sylmar

The position is responsible for diverse regulatory functions, including but not exclusive to the development of Medical Device submissions and the implementation of Regulatory Compliance.  Minimum 3 years of experience in US regulatory affairs, preferably with Class III devices, or equivalent combination of education and experience.

Contact Pat Jacobs – 805-579-0630

Integrity Search and Consulting
Job Opportunities

Current opportunities require relevant BS/MS degree:

Asst Engineering Manager

MBA and BS Engineering (Mechanical preferred) with 4+ years of mechanical/electro-mechanical design experience -  parts and component design desirable -  $30M division of public company developing RF-microwave parts, components and systems for aerospace and telecommunications customers - opportunity to  grow to Director level in 2-3 years - must be US citizen - Oxnard, CA area - $95-120K plus 10% bonus.

Senior/Principal Digital Engineer

RF/wireless/radar communications background - 10+ yrs. related experience - US citizenship and ability to obtain Secret clearance required - leader in development of EW/ESM systems - South San Jose, CA area - $120-145K

Senior SIP-Internet Video conferencing SW Engineers (2)

SIP implementation; C++, RTP/RTCP/SDP; Linux - Santa Barbara, CA area - 5+ years related experience - $110-145K

Jr Firmware Engineer

Westlake Village area - C++ OOP Design Patterns - 6 months-3 years related experience - $60-80K - develop debug and correct firmware for electronic imaging devices - test driven development desirable

If interested please email resume to Will Branning at:; may call Will at 805-482-8700 x230.

Login Consulting Services
Job Opportunities

Contact: Meredith Jacobson:  818-288-2119 or

Large Bio-Pharma in Thousand Oaks is seeking a UNIX System Administrator for a six month plus contract position.

Desired Skills:

- Linux RHEL 5 & 6
- Solaris 10&11
- Experience in Parma/ Regulated environment a plus

Qualified candidates should possess the following skills/experience:

• 8+ years as a Unix administrator
• 5+ years of Veritas 5.x product experience (Volume Manager, Cluster Server, Volume Replicator)
• 3+ years recently working with Solaris 10, and its particular technologies, with M Series Servers
• 3+ years working with RHEL
• Experience with clustering Solaris, each with shared storage providing multiple Solaris containers, high availability instances of Oracle, logical domains , and NFS shares.
• Need to have experience with Containers/Zones, Hardware Dynamic Reconfiguration, LDOMS, Jumpstart, trunking and IPMP, SMF Facilities.

Engility Corporation
Job Opportunities

Engility seeks Engineers, Software Development Professionals and Software Configuration Managers to support multiple programs in Southern, CA.  Featured jobs are:

2015-15784 Senior Engineer – EW, Oxnard, CA

Designs, develops, builds, analyzes, evaluates and installs database management systems. Prepares system requirements, source analysis and process analyses and design throughout the database implementation.  Completes database modeling and design, relational database architecture, metadata and repository creation. Requires EW engineering experience in Navy specific support role to include (not limited to) ALQ-99, ALQ-210, ALQ-217, ASQ-239, ALR-66 and a Top Secret security clearance.

2015-15800 Engineering- Software Quality II, Pt. Mugu, CA

Requires BA/BS in engineering, or equivalent experience and knowledge of IBM Rational ClearCase. Must be able to obtain a DoD Secret security clearance.

2015-14863 System Analyst, Ridgecrest / China Lake, CA

Engility’s China Lake based Software Development and Support Team provides support to a weapons life-cycle tracking system from initial delivery data to final expenditure data. The Team will work within CMMI developed processes and structure to develop and manage the various projects. The Team provides Software Systems Engineering, Project Planning, and Training for Logistics & Maintenance Information Systems & Technology Division. The Team provides advanced software and database engineering services and assist with requirements development, as well as system integration applications and processes for the lifecycle of all Logistics & Maintenance Info Systems & Technology Division’s Products.

2015-14857 Computer Programmer IV

Requires 5+ years of ASP.NET and the ability to obtain a security clearance. This work is expected to begin in the spring.

In addition to the jobs above, Engility has urgent needs for CyberSecurity/Information Assurance professionals in Lakehurst, NJ and CyberSecrity/Penetration Testers with security clearance in San Antonio, TX.

For more information about these jobs, please visit our website or contact or

Syntesis Global

Syntesis Global introduces the “New Standard” for Creating a Culture of Excellence in Leadership Development, Organizational Dynamics, Career Transitions and Outplacement Services: Syntesis Global™. With over thirty years of business experience, Syntesis Global™ offers state-of-the-art Performance Consulting through Executive Coaching, Change Management, Team Building, Organizational and Career Management services. Contact Rick Hernandez, President and CEO at

Kelly Horiuchi - Farmers Insurance Agency

Kelly Horiuchi is proud to be a scientist and offer her insurance services to the technical community of Ventura County. Farmers Insurance Group of Companies make up one of the country’s largest insurers of vehicles, homes and small businesses and provide a wide range of other insurance and financial services products. Farmers is proud to serve more than 10 million households with more than 20 million individual policies across all 50 states through the efforts of over 50,000 exclusive and independent agents and nearly 24,000 employees. Contact Kelly at

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